Process of working with Global Deco

No worries about complicated work at your place, this is our how to go:

Step 1: Meet the client
Meet the client as the first contact

– Once you contact us we schedule a visit.

– We meet you to understand the project you have in mind for your place.

Step 2: Scan the area of work
Second step of the process

– In our visit, we get the scope of the work and the desired result. 

– Our team scans the area, gathers all relevant information for the project and the planning starts.

Step 3: Elaborate a plan for the client
Third step of the process

– Now knowing the place, we start to elaborate a plan.  

 – Work and design a 3D sketch to transform your idea into visual content.  

Step 4: Share ideas to the customer
Fourth step: share ideas to the client

– We share with you the design and ideas of how the work can be done. 

– We  have your feedback to provide you a better estimate and tailored solutions for you.

5 step: Walkthrough with the customer
Fifth step of the process

– With your approval, it will be time to choose materials, go shopping, and apply for permits if needed. 

– We walk with you through all the process to get your project done.

Step 6: Provide a Job schedule to the client
Sixth step of the process

– Then with everything in place, we will provide you a job schedule that can suit both parts.

–  Your personal timetable will always be taken into consideration.

Last step of the process
Seventh and final step of the process

– Let’s get it done! we start working, taking care of each detail to deliver your dream place. 

– Then, done! Time to celebrate!